I made some cards

For Electric Forest 2024, I've crafted unique cards featuring AI-generated art inspired by the Forest. Hand-printed on wood, waterproof, and roughly the size of a regular playing card, each card will be gifted to staff/police at Forest. The cards each have a unqiue code on the back that recipients can use on this site to unlock access to messages of support and gratitude from the Forest Family (that's you!).

Thank you so much for keeping us safe at Forest! It wouldn't be the same without you!

I really appreciate the effort that you and all of the staff put in to make Forest an immersive, surprising experience!


I need your help

I'm hoping to collect messages of thanks from the Forest Family in advance of the festival this year so that each card that I give out comes pre-loaded with thanks and good vibes. When festival staff/volunteers enter the code associated with their card, they will see a (hopefully long!) list of thank yous from friendly strangers on the internet.
