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Healer's Sentinel
Legendary Creature
The Healer's Sentinel possesses an innate understanding of the energies coursing through the festival, effortlessly channeling them into gentle healing energies.
Pure Grove Invocation
Legendary Enchantment
When activated, this enchantment radiates a tranquil, ethereal glow, fostering a collective commitment among attendees to honor the groves as sanctuaries of untouched beauty.
Protector of the Forest
Legendary Creature
Enveloped in an aura of guardianship and profound reverence, the holder of this card stands as a stalwart sentinel, safeguarding the harmony and sanctity of Sherwood Forest.
Harmonic Mend
Legendary Enchantment
The holder of this card radiates a gentle yet powerful aura, weaving threads of soothing energy throughout Sherwood Forest, offering comfort and restoration to weary souls.
Guardian of the Forest
Legendary Creature
Embodying steadfast protection, the holder of this card nurtures the sanctity of Sherwood's mysteries and guides others toward harmony within its illuminated embrace.
Scepter of Transformation
Legendary Artifact
The scepter serves as a conduit between the forest's magical energy and those who bring its characters to life, allowing them to step into the realms of imagination and wonder.
Sherwood Steward
Legendary Creature
Anointed to safeguard Sherwood with an almost sacred devotion, their tireless efforts form a delicate dance with nature itself, ensuring that every footprint left behind is one of respect and care.
Grove Alchemist
Legendary Creature
The holder of this card embodies the masterful fusion of music, art, and community, weaving an enchating tapestry within Sherwood's verdant groves.